About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Donnerstag, 7. April 2011

What changed your perspective on Movies?

What changed your perspective on Movies?

There are always these kinds of Films who let you look at everything in a new angel. Without the following Movies my perspective on Hollywood today would be the same. I hope you enjoy it.

Matrix (1999)

12 Years ago digitalization just started to make babysteps. A generation who works with computer more and more just got blown away how far this movie takes an Idea. It’s almost a simple little Idea but it changes everything and what stays left is a movie with more than another potential. Maybe one day this mid read somebody and remembers the Trailer for this Movie. As I saw it nobody had a +#?/* clue what was going on in this Movie. Month later, I sad in class and didn’t pay attention for what was going on, the guy next to me sad that he was seven times in this Movie. He visited the Cinema seven times. I could not believe what he was saying and thought he was just making a bad joke about a movie that’s probably not that good at all. Because I didn’t saw it jet. Two years later a rented it on vhs. Yes good old vhs. From this moment on I was hooked. I just got everything on the first viewing and hit the reverse button almost directly after the credits starts to roll.
To be a jung guy who grows up in a world that comes more and more about Computer and digitalization that’s the Film with brings this theme in a completely new context.
For my next Movie I just could find the right words but I try anyway.

Sunshine (2007)

This is one Movie I overlooked so many times. One day I searched for a good Sci-Fi Movie and I ended up seeing Danny Boyles Sunshine. There is not that much I can say. Because all there is, is an Idea that Humanity has just one last chance so life on and that is to fulfill a mission out of space. But in this context the Crew realizes that there is more to this mission that let the human raze survive. I just love if Movie makers try something new. The movie is defiantly not the best ever made but it is different and has one of the best Scores I ever had heard.

Good will hunting (1997)

Recently I just got more into Ben Affleck’s work. And after I saw the high preyed gone baby gone I had to see good will hunting for real. Not in the back of the room just because it’s shown on free tv. This is not the typical genius Movie. Don’t be fooled. I know I was before. There are not many Movies who can give me this reality feeling. This feeling that what just sad gets directly into your soul. But his movie dose. It just feels so real and lets you see things, almost life, differently.

Prestige (2006)

How far can two magicians drive each other for the perfect elusion? This is the question that should be getting answered. I chose this movie not for his Story ore originality. This is just one good example for a brilliant script. I just hate it if Movies got plot-holes (inception is the king of holes if you ask me and that’s why I don’t like the movie much but this is a other story). If someone wants to sell me a good story with many twists and turns, this is the film to look up from. And this Film is very dark. There is nothing those two has respect for. And at the end you think you got on with side your standing. But if you look closer you see that there is no winner. Just people who suffered.

Fight Club (2000)

One of those Movies where you think “I got it” and later realize you got not a damn thing is defiantly fight club. There is just one preppies, mess with you and let you have an ending with will blow your mind. That’s all I can say about that. David Fincher at his best.

The Dark Knight (2008)

This Movie is character realization at his best. To put a Comic character back to his roots and let him fight is inner demons and let his believes stay above everything is a risky attempt. Who can pull it off? So far just Christopher Nolan. The Dark Knight shows that Superheroes are not just for Kids. This movie is probably his best work so far and one of my all-time favorites.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2006)

When someone says Movies than there is one think that comes in my mind. People. The relationship between two People is the most interesting thing I think can give you a Movie. Because this is so important what you can take from this. And I love those Movies who have this one thing that is a little bit to much but works in this Film. For example the powers of the prisoner in the green Mile. Her is it the Memory erase Machine. All I can say that this movies let me wonder every single time i´m watching it. And that says allot. I realy hope Michel Gondry can make more of these kind of Movies.

Thank you so much for reading.

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