About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Dienstag, 13. September 2011

Let´s talk Cars

I mean fast cars and drivers who don´t give a damn. These are my thoughts about the fast and the furious frenchise.

These movies are a phenomenon of their own. Think about a Movie that goes into their 6 Titel in 10 Years and still has this whole popularity. There is not really a Movie what can be compared to this. That’s why I picked it up to put my thoughts out there.
First up I want to write about the movies it self. First up, Fast and the Furious.
No one really know what to expect from this. My eyes just got opened by seeing Matrix and getting a feel for Movies and why they give me something back that I can carry with me and learn from it. So there I was, watching a Movie about cars and streetracing. And honestly? I love this Movie and still dig it if I put it into my bluray-player. Everyone who watched one of these Films in the Cinema got the same impression and no one even questions it to drive after seeing this like a maniac with their own car.

8.0 / 10 Points for the first Part

2 Fast 2 Furious. Everybody should have known that the title itself screams shitty Movie. As I got out of the Movie I liked it. It was not good but sure, it was ok. Or was it? I bought DVD way later and popt her in. Men was I shocked what a bad movie this is. I own now all 5 Movies on Bluray and have the second one only because she was included with the 1-4 Movie –pack. I still have not watched this movie again and promised myself that this Disc will never see the inside of my Ps3.

2.0 / 10 Points only because Paul Walker drives a nice Skyline

Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift. What a title. I still was shocked by my 2 Fast 2 Furious dvd experience and their it was, another movie. At this point I got more into Movies and looked more information up before or after a saw a movie. Like who directed or wrote the movie. Paul Walker must bin so happy to get out of a contract to shout another one of these movies. So there wasn’t many upsides if the main character jumps out of the sinking boat. But a new Director. I gave them the respect and chance of this decision. So I watched Tokyo drift. The first half hour I got so mad about this stupid beginning that I got up and just had to leave the Cinema for 2 Minutes. If you seen this Movie you know why. But my Friends were still in there so I wound let them die alone. I still don’t like the main character. He looked way to old and his acting was so untrue to his situation. At a Point I wasn´t watching this Film for seeing him but for someone else. Sung Kang as Han shown trough the whole movie a solid and interesting performance. And he is the one who sad something that for me defined more motivation for his believes in what he does do than anything else that all three movie combined deliver. I explain later more about that.

7,2 / 10 Pints for Drifting in Tokyo

Fast 4. So Justin Lee is back to show us more what he is capable to do with this series. Fine by me, I was in already as I knew that he is back to direct. And even Han still lives because the next Movies are happening before Tokyo drift. This is the first Movie which cutting itself from the standard Furious Streetracing Formula. I don´t really know if it was necessary but at the end it was a step forward. The Cars are now rough, no stupid shiny paintjob, and everything is more violent. The whole cast of the first movie is back and it is no big secret that Letty ( Dom´s big Love) dies. So this is more like a revenge Film in which Dom´s and Brian´s Way´s are crossing each other. For me it wasn´t a big step from Tokyo drift to the fourth movie but a solid and more menacing approach to the series. I still think that the last action scenes in Tokyo drift and fast 4 were way to dark.

7,0 / 10 Points for Dom´s Wheely into the Enemies chest.

Fast & Furious 5. It feels like the cast and the director could done this movie 5 years from now. It don’t has to be rushed and everything what they come up with is entertaining and interesting. Part 4 und 5 are just solid action flicks. And well reserved as I think.

7,0 / 10 Points for a Vault strapped on to Cars going crazy.

But now I get to the part what´s really on my mind. The end of part 5 really let my head spin some interesting ideas for part 6. So if you have seeing the end of part 5 it seams like Letty is not dead.
If someone reads this, please let Mr. Lin read it as well.
My Ideas for Furious 6
As we all know everything looks like a happy ending. Dom, Brian and Mia are somewhere where the Nation or country doesn’t have a warrant on their heads. We also know that Dwayne Johnson as Luke is in this Movie. So Brian and Mia are now Parents (please don’t show how she get´s the baby. Just let it be there). That’s not a typical Fast & Furious starting action scene. So Luke is chasing some one around the globe. Let’s say a compilation of 4 Action scenes in London, Madrid, Dubai and Newyork. Would make for a nice change up for a beginning of the movie. But you don’t see who he is chasing. So that’s for the start of the movie. Dom brings Vince Widow wife and their sun back to the airport because they visited. What should have happened happens. Dom´s listen a familiar Car or style of driving a car ( let´s say a typical style to shift down what he did not hear for a long time). He turns around and Letty drifts in front of his eyes trough a corner and she sees him with this woman and kid. She can´t lift the gas or turn around because Officer Luke is chasing her. And if that wasn´t enough of a strange day for Dom, Luke sees him too, hi eyes tear up like the Rock does it in the old days and you can see the range that he found the men he was looking for but never could find. But he chases Letty because he has nothing in hands of Dom because in this Country he is a white Letter without any criminal registrations. So Dom talks with Brian and Mia that Letty is alive and in the city, maybe just for now but also that Luke are back on their Tail. But there is no reason why Dom, Brian or even Mia are have to get in the middle of all that what´s going on between Luke and Letty. Dom does not even think about it to risk his freedom to find out what´s going on. So he works on his Charger R/T in the back of his new house just like the old days. Even Brian has a car (maybe Skyline ore GTR which he looks like working on in between being a dad). It´s getting late and Dom still works on the Charger. So Letty emperors in the Frame of the Garagedoor. She don´t want to know who the woman from the airport was. She just wants to know if he is fine. She explains that she wound be long in the country and that her dept is almost paid off. Then Dom says that she has to look after the Officer who is chasing her, that he got even him back in Brazil. She almost leaves but says then that she hasn’t left him no meter what happened back at the Dominican Republic. But Dom is no one that can let all these questions unanswered. So instate of waiting if Luke finds him in his new home he goes of his own to the Police Office and let Luke answer some questions of his own. It turns out that Letty steals cars. But not to get money. In the last 5 weeks she stolid 11 of the most rarest Cars on the whole Planet and put them to shreds. It seems like it she only lets the cars alive from a certain owner which makes his cars so much more expensive because these are the only one left.
Luke get´s Dome something on his way. If he let his hands get dirty, he is the first who put him behind bars. Dom just laughs and says that there is no reason why he get´s in the middle of all that. Dom calls Han to find out who Letty owes all of this and it turns out that the guy for whom she´s stealing and destroying is a rich and very powerful guy who has his whole mention in a independent island ( ore something ). Dom calls Han over and says that he wants to talk with this men that Letty don’t have to get trough all of that to pay pack whatever she has to pay back. Even Brian wants to come with those two but turns around and says that he has to stay with his family. So Dom and Han are not very welcome ad Mr. X and it turns out that he knows these two. That they where even on the top of his List to get the Job done. But Letty has to disappear for some time to make sure Dom was save. (all around the Dominican Republic Situation) So she owes him a big favor. Dom and Han get kicked out. It takes not long for Luke to find out that Dom try´s to get involved and then decides to give them a visit. Dom´s get´s really loud and make sure that Luke understands that there is no reason that he threatens his Family just because he is on the operation Letty trough this country. Luke leaves but not without giving Dom something to think about. In the back of his Police car is sitting Letty. Luke says Dom that he get´s them all, just like him, Brian, Mia and Han. Then he takes off. Dom really don´t know what he can do. Brian is not as well in a position to risk everything again, he has a family now. So what will Dom do?

In Tokyo drift Han sad that to know someone it can´t be measured in money. That’s such a important message. And I think Han can say something like this in this situation. To Dom: “The question is, how much are you willing to risk for something more what wasn´t on your mind for years?” Brian supports Dom 100%. Mia is in because it is Letty and she knows that she would do the same thing for them. Then it is up to Dom. He just says “Without Letty I wound be the one I am today”

So they get back to Mr. X but this time with a plan. They steal all the cars that are now so ultra rare and make it in a escape chase out of there. They get Letty free and Luke finds out that the stolen Cars from Mr. X are in a little police office in a independent country. Over there are also Brian, Dom, Mia, Han and Letty free as a Bird. Luke can´t help it and laughs as he sees the cars that they gave to the police.
Someone is putting his hand on Lukes shoulder and turns him around.
“I want my Job back” Says Brian.

Maybe you like some of my ideas… I hope you had fun to read it
Bye guys :)

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