About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

The real Heroes behind the Comic book Adaptations Part 1

I am born in the 80´s. As a Kid if someone asked me what I like about Superhero Movies I just could not think about a great Movie which I really liked. It took me quite some time to look at Superhero Movies differently and see more than just bright colors and funny action.
The first thing I really know I liked was the Crow back in 94. My mother had to rent it over and over again in honestly I never could say why. There where nothing incredibly special about this Film. Even much later on I read that the Actor Brandon Lee died during the Filming of the Movie. As I kid I really liked those dark looking movies. Not the horror kind but still easily disturbing for a 10 year old. A little bit later I stumbled over another movie without any reason. It was Spawn. This movie twisted my mind quite hard. I have no knowledge background about these Superheroes because in Germany Comics where not that popular. So I really didn’t know what to expect from such a Film. In retrospective, that my mother let me watch all that movies over and over again showed some real trust. Blade was the last Movie of the era of dark Comic book related Movies for me.
A couple of years went by and my tasted in Movies shifted a little bit. I started watching Series like Friends and really looked out for a deeper storyline then just revenge ore something like this. So my eyes just rolled on disbelieve as I saw a huge Poster for Spiderman the Movie in 2002. It’s a Boy who get bitten by a spider and turning into a superhero. There is now way this can be good was the first thing what came into my mind. But eventually I got in the cinema with some friends and nothing better was screening at the time. So I saw it. And I was surprised. This was a really good Movie actually. It gave me all I was looking forward in a Movie at the time. A character someone can relate to, a story that goes deeper than just some rescuing the earth crap and some really solid special effects (for the time). But my hope for some good Movies which hangs on to the hype where badly disappointed. Except for Blade 2 nothing worthy mention hitted the big screen for almost two years for me. And this was a brilliant time for Comic book adaptations. Spiderman really kicked a door in for successful Superheroes Movies. But until Spiderman 2 nothing comes even close for me to be a good Movie. I think the sequel is even better than the first one. That’s the Point where I thought to myself: There is more to this than just solid Film making.
I just got into the whole directors and writers part about Movies and realized that a bad Comic book Movies wasn’t terrible because of the Comic book itself. It was just badly written and executed. And there is more than just good writing and execution in reflection to a comic adaptation. In the case of Sam Raimi. He is the First one who pulled a really good Spiderman Adaptation out of his head. This will stand for ever almost. The early 2000´s where a time where Computer effects really got to shine and no huge step in that apartment would make a Spiderman Movie more appealing. I think Sam Raimi realized that as one of the first directors and it came to no surprise that Nolan, Del Toro, Snyder, Favreau, Vaughn and even Edgar Wright saw the possibility to create something huge what will stand for a long long time. Not many directors can say they succeed with their attempted.

Follow me in the next part where I write about Nolan and why he saw the possibility to push an adaptation three steps higher everybody else not even realized it would be possible.

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