About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Mittwoch, 8. August 2012

Thoughts about Adaptations around Nolan's Batman

Now there past quit some time bye and I really want to pick this blog up and continue with what i have started. So with no further or do here is my part 2 of Heroes behind the Comic book Adaptations.

No one ever sad me what to think or what to believe in. I think thats one of the main reasons why i love movies. There is something to this, to the way a Movie presents itself on the Big-screen. Maybe i continue this thought another day.

Every adaptation is limited in his source material. Its up for the Writer and Director how much they let the limitation gets in the way of there vision. If they are to close to the book, than the movie could not spreed there wings and don't become a movie of its own. If they are to lose, they losing the spirit and everything becomes unfaithful. So were is the perfect middle? I think in movies there is no perfection. If there was, people would get scared and did´t know what to believe any more. Kind of like what happened to people who believe in the concept of the Matrix too much and started killing them self. I know thats a far stretch but movies have to be over the top, too much, to colorful, to grim, to fast, to extreme, to bloody and to loud.

 But in the End its up to you to liking or disliking a movie. To take something home with you, to talk with your friends about it.
So cinema is absolutely dependence on the financial success of a franchise. To get success you need to spreed the audience even further than just the Kids.

Thats the Start of the more realistic feeling superhero movies like Batman and even Watchmen.

So where everybody else fails to adapt a drawn comic book figure in the real world Christopher Nolan succeeds. Why? I don't quit know. Maybe he saw something everybody else overlooked. Maybe he predicted the impact of his idea way more heavyer than the critics could imagine. Thats the beauty of a Movie. The audience gets just in contact with the product itself. Nothing more. I think thats the main reason why Nolan has the right perspective on a adaptation like the Batman. He knows exactly how he whats the viewer to feel and even what they think when they left the theater. Thats something that makes a movie-maker like him so appealing. He knows where he wants to go and how he takes the audience with him.

I really hope Mr. Nolan keeps up the good work, finds new ways to tell the movie-lovers brilliant story's and never let money, success or critics influence his products.

I can't close this chapter without talking about the Dark Knight Rises. I saw it a couple of days ago and I was really hoping to get the movie the previous two deserves.
So after the disappointing, so called Inception movie we have finally Mr. Nolan take the Batman-story to the end. I wound spoil anything because a movie like that should be watched with a clear an open mind. So I did't saw any trailer or review before. And thats exactly the right way to watch this movie. Am I disappointed? No. Do I think this is Oscar worthy? Hell No! There are movies out there which give the viewer so much more than this one did.
So I really can't say that this is a best picture. But it is a good movie to end the trilogy.

And thats something right?

I really hope I can keep this blog up. I hope you enjoy what I write.


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