About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

Black Swan (2010)

How far can you push a movie with a theme like that which seams to have no limits?

Darren Aronofsky tries things no one else would show on the big screen. Requiem for a Dream showed how controversy a movie can be and splits the audience into lovers, admires and haters. My first experience was quiet shocking with this, my first Aronofsky movie. I looked up what is a must see in terms of Movies in the 21 century. That’s about ten years ago and I found this title way up in the top list so I board it. Everybody who knows the ending has his experience with it. I´m not a Horror movie fan and can´t get quiet the hang of it how to look at these types of movies. To see a social very interesting movie almost destroys itself at the end was a complete new experience for me. I never viewed something like this before. So Requiem for a Dream is burned in my head and I would never want to miss this experience.

As you all know, the Wrestler and black swan should be one film at the beginning. But they decide it would be too much, so they spit it. For me it was the right decision. The Wrestler is a brilliant drama. Who is looking for a character driven drama with it little twists and turns should see the wrestler. Aronofsky profess that he don’t has to be shocking and ground braking every single time he gets a movie done.

So my expectations were high, very high for his new movie the black swan. So I want that movie to be good. I want it so much that it is brilliant and thrilling that I almost overlooked for what it is. When I heard so much good things about a movie it is for me personally very difficult to let the movie be and not is what I wanted to be. So I have to come myself down and the first part of the movie put me right on the ground. In parts it is almost as slow as I can take a movie like this to don’t jump up and run the hallway up and down. The theme is ballet, go with it or leave. And this is one of the many things I like about Aronofsky movies, he don’t hide something. He tells you, this is the theme, if you are up for it I show you how much more it can be. You have to take all in what he shows and sometimes throws at you like a chair witch smashes a mirror.
The second part shows you if you get it, if you are up for it or if you don´t / if you are just looking at the screen. It is very difficult to get from a good movie to a movie-experience. For me personally I just get this sucked in feeling with the Dark Knight before. And I don’t get this feeling at home like I had in the cinema. It is this big, almost intimidating, screen. And the black swan had me two or three times at this point where I can´t control my head rate for no reasons. I wrote before that I wound spoil anything and I don’t write the plot of the movie, let´s face it, everybody knows it. But I have to bend my rules a little bit to explain ad witch point I felt “fuck yes!” It was the scene in the nightclub. I don´t do drugs just alcohol if I´m up for it on parties. But this base-driven music, images and sounds really delivers the feeling of losing the track of time and place. Then Nina get´s banged with the head on a wall and this is the point where I felt to get a little bit self clearer in my head. And at the point she gets out of the club I felt this rush of the familiar feeling to almost lose it in there. This is the point witch very few movies can take me.

After this, there is no turning back. You don´t even try to solve all the puzzles who was what and what was real. That this movie get´s so strong that it doesn’t has to explain itself in front of the audience is the biggest achievement for cinema in terms of being seen by a brand of people who don’t even know that much about movies.

Mila Knuis performance was awesome. She is all what Natalie Portmans character not is and delivers extremely well. Only Portman can top her. And be sure she did. At first I wasn’t that much impressed. But there is a scene where she puts her makeup back on and she almost wipes her crying eyes out and let them laugh. And not by one wipe. First left, then right, everyone independent form each other. This image was so scary. More that the red eyes thing.
You can see I had a good time. I really hope this movie get´s noticed at the Oscars. But I also know that the Jure looks for different things in a best picture. If they show the respect and the courage that the Oscar can go to a more Art driven movie, I would be more than impressed and my feelings about the Academy Awards would chance.

I hope it gets the respect what it deserves because it is more than just a regular movie.

For me:

9,1 / 10

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