About my Blog and Me

What i´m trying to do is, view Movies and Episods objectively and write my own opinion. I´m not e huge fan of knowing every single background-information about a Movie and criticize the viewing experience on the facts how mutch the Movie is true to his Source. A Movie stays for it self and the Viewer can take from it what ever it has to offer. So thats it. I just write my thoughts, experience and maybe my frustration about a Movie. I hope my Readers will like it.

Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011

Don´t let us fall Superman!

Don´t let us fall Superman!

The expectations are high. Is it even possible that Nolan ideas into Snyder hands fulfill every Comicbook-fan dreams? Here are my thoughts on Superman, Batman, Nolan and Snyder.

How did we come to this Point? Snyder directs the upcoming Superman Man of Steel, Christopher Nolan is the Producer and the Story comes even from the Writer of Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, David S. Goyer. I hope I remember correctly that Goyer comes to Nolan and has a story idea for Superman who should finally work. As I heard this I was excited and afraid at the same time. Why? Because all we have seen from Goyer´s DC Story´s where brilliant but at the same time extremely risky. In collaboration with Nolan he adapts the Hero into a real world, even a world who could bin our own today. With Begins they play it really safe. Maybe to safe but I think they just had to convince the Studios that they can proceed with their idea and get the green light to make their biggest attempts jet, the Dark Knight. So what is Goyer capable of to do with the Men from Krypton? I think the answer is quiet simple. What he came up with is a Story more like the Dark Knight than Batman Begins. Here is my theory. So they present Warner the idea and they see Nolan´s commitment and even the possibility that he directs the Movie. But they don’t want to let it set with a onetime thing. The Studio wants to see that Nolan can repeat his success to reboot a franchise. So no surprise as the news came, Superman Man of Steel is going to be an origin story. And Nolan is not going to be the director. First of all, he has not the time to make the Movie but I think there is another reason. He steps back and takes the role of the producers to have one eye on his little project. I think he just wants to do another Begins story to direct. He did it with Batman just to prove that there is more to the Cape crusader than what the first Movies told and also to get the permission to make the Movie that he wanted to make. The sequel. It wound be a surprise for me if he directs the Superman sequel based on the Man of Steel. This would be the best thing what can happening for Superman.
Zack Snyder
Who can make a simple prequel based on a story by David S. Goyer? Of course Mr Snyder. Who could see that one coming. Don’t get me wrong. If it comes to simple adaptations from a Comicbook into a Movie, Zack Snyder is the guy who delivers. 300 and Watchmen are brilliant Movies if it comes to taking the page by page written story and bringing it to live. But her is my big Problem with Snyder. Goyer´s Story´s aren’t simple Comicbook adaptations. They so far off as they can be. In my perspective he takes the spirit, the core of the characters and let them show their main inspiration, motivation, and believes and at the same time fight their biggest fears. And all of that drastically in a world who could be ours now. People and characters dying with drastically effect. I don’t think there is room in this world for a Superman who we know from all the other Movies. But that can be a good think. Maybe the only think what can make a success for this franchise in this time of Moving going.

Superman can be saved?

So what can make the Audience go “WOW” in the Cinema? I think the Snyder´s Movie would not be the Movie Nolan has intended to make. So he wrote a origin story for Mr. Snyder (Comicbook like. Picture by Picture that the adaption Master don´t make anything wrong) that he can´t screw up. I think the Story has to be very simple. I´m a huge fan of the idea that we get a Superman who is old and wears the costume already for a long long time. Jon Hamm is the only one choice for the Role, in my opinion. And if you ask me, I think it would be good to have a origin part were one or two simple problems being shown and in the second part with the old Superman who has to solve this problems ones and for good. That’s all I want. Simple and smooth. Nothing with Lex trying to chance the Planet into a Kryptonite planet and please no rewinding the earth. So that’s the Movie I hope we are going to see 2012. I really hope that Nolen takes his time and makes the Movie he and Goyer had intended to make in the first place based on Snyder´s introduction. That would be a huge think for Superman. Please Nolan. Make Superman old, vulnerable but at the same time strong and kicking ass. The Dark Knight has shown what your ideas a capable to do with the experience of the Movie. I wish Superman get´s his well received Nolan interpretation in his pure self, his believes. Let him fall like Batman, but harder and deeper. He can take it. Let him rise again but realizing that he is more than a superhero. He is, and will be in all time, THE Superhero.

Thank you so mutch for reading

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